Monday, August 6, 2012

Second Round @ The Doctors

Today was a much better day as the inflammation has gone down somewhat and even though I deliberately took less painkillers (1 a day instead of 3x a day), there is still not much pain. So at least I have confidence that it is healing and all the ice and wrap treatment makes sense

But as I arrived at the center, guess who I got as my therapist? The cutie. The tall chap. The slim chap and this time I got his full name (TYS). He started chatting with me as he put his hands on my foot and after a while, I managed to even give him my name card and invited him and his friends or colleagues over should they wish to - hehehehehe - and he shook my hands!

Odd thing about him is his right hand does that victory pump! Hmmm. But today he had on black trousers and you can see by the crease it is not properly ironed (2 instead of 1 lines) but as he sat near my foot, I had a nice time eyeing the curves on his crotch letting my imagination run wild and each time he got up, a nice view of his small tight butt. Hahahaha!

Okay. That is enough to gross everyone out, right?

Next section on cuties is when I went to the Japanese Restaurant at Gardens, Hokkaido Ichiban. It was really WOW! Okay - forget about the screecy sounding lady boy poofter seated behind us with a lady friend. He was so over-exaggerating his feminie side that he should have three pussies rather than one dick, I kid you not.

So who is cute? Two of the waiters. Really cute. So thin that from the side profile, even with the apron, trousers, belt, shirt tucked in; they are still thinner than their head but they are not so boney until they look skeletal. Know what I mean? One guy has glasses and one guy doesn't. The one with glasses sometimes walked like he is floating and can potentially be "gay" although I don't think he is while the other is more typical lad. Sigh!

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