Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sep 11, 2001 ...

Yes, for those of you who read my blog be it sporadically, first, or regular, you will know that I generally bitch about my life in general, work, love and all sorts of inconsequential stuff. So why tonight did I put that on the title of my blog entry?

Am I trying to cash in on the event and thus cheapen the issue? Honestly, no. I have just watched Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, the movie on pay-per-view TV and was so wrapped up in it. Then while watching, my other half texted me and half chatting, half watching, suddenly from out of nowhere, it hit me

And I remembered. In fact, it was one of the main driving forces that changed my life

And no, I am not American or even Caucasian

Here then is my story

On the day of Sep 11, here where I was, it was evening. I had stopped working for Star Cruises in May and started a job on land. However, in 3 months, I was extremely unhappy and found that I missed life onboard the seas seeing new horizons every day and living the life with a group of mates. So I decided to apply further afield to different cruise liners. It was the nomadic spark within me calling. Both my grandfathers moved around a lot in their younger days and so did my dad. So at that time, it felt most natural to me. Anyway, I got an application through to a company and they arranged for a phone interview. An hour or two before that time, I went back to Park Plaza KL (now the Maya Hotel). I waited and waited and I remembered I was so excited and nervous

However, as the appointed time came and went, I was wondering why there was no call. I dared not leave my room even though it was well past dinner and I was feeling a bit peckish. Then someone contacted me and asked me to switch on the TV. I hadn't done so because I was concerned that I would not hear the phone ring. So I turned it on and I was stunned speechless to see the tragedy unfolding on the tube live!

It floored me and left me there sitting alone in my room feeling all numb and lost. I do not know who to call or who I can go to be with. It was a horrible feeling. And I felt so sad and was kicking myself. I mean, there I was, concerned about a lousy job interview from a company in USA and there on the tube, drama unfolding. Of course, I could not be blamed for not knowing what was going on but when you see that, it made all your concerns so small, doesn't it?

After a few days, the company contacted me to explain that all new recruitment have been frozen. Naturally, I understood perfectly and even stopped looking for a job out of that place. I stayed there for about 2 years or so before I even considered a job elsewhere

And where did I go next? Well, that is a story for another day but that? It's also where tsunami hit

To all the people who died that day in the towers tragedy, and all the surviving family and friends, may the Lord bless you and yours!

I will not type anything else in this entry to cheapen the posting above

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