Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blood ...

This morning, after a phone call, I went down to Singam and got my blood test done. I thought calling and making an appointment saves waiting time but apparently not. It still took me until like 10:45am before I got it done. Then the doctor prescribed some medication for gout. I am really hoping I can get better once and for all. I have been sick this entire month and off-and-on since May 2012. Long, ain't it?

So you can imagine my mood when I have to listening to the Burning Man and the Justice Bloke commenting about the problems at the Gee. With the Burning Man, I retained my cool and talked him through but Justice? With his huge paycheck? I must admit I am still awaiting to see how he is handling things. So far, he has been complaining about how messy and all that. But I have yet to see his nurturing aspect. He expects to say and things get done? Dude, if that was so easy, this place would not be in a mess. That's why we brought in new people who have tenacity. They may not be superstars but they are willing to put in the hours to get things done. He needs to guide them. All he keeps on saying is that as they all have title of directors, he expects them to know already! O really? Then I can say the same about him - he expects his people to know so he doesn't check until it is too late.  Well it seems like if his people were to follow his style, then they would also expect their people to know and they don't check. So are they all not following the same style of management? He also got annoyed when they don't read things. Well, he is the same! And he forgot. At least these people have put in the past few months holding things together while he is new and has yet to prove himself. And all he does is complain. I understand he is a family man but he doesn't start early. Everyday around 8:30am he comes out. Sometimes in the afternoon he goes out with family and friends. Sometimes in the evening he goes out with family and friends while everyone else is working

So in the end I blasted him! I told him I am okay if he wants to change the people, if he feels he cannot stand them but my worry is when he moves people out too fast, then the new people have yet to come in and he finds it even more stressful and he walks out. Then we will be left with no GM and no Dept Heads and we will be in even worse shit. So if he wants people to change, he better be committed for the long haul. I mean, 2 times already in 1 month, he threatened to just walk out when the going got tough. I am beginning to doubt his ability, energy and commitment! Ugh!


I need to get healthy fast and then I can do this job myself and get all sorted out before I moved on to the next task! I have had enough of all these expensive prima-donnas!

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