Friday, August 31, 2012

Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka ... 55 ... 55 ... 55

[Edited: 2nd Sep 2012 ... as of today, I am going backwards to attach pics otherwise blog is boring when I am not travelling or there is no foodie stuff, eh? So I will attack pics from Mile High (thanks) of the comics that I reviewed on the same day as the blog and this is it!]
To my surprise, at midnight, I heard fireworks and I went out to watch because it didn't fall silent after the first burst but kept on and on ... stupidly I went out on my balcony forgetting the fact that I am facing the sea! Realizing my stupidity, I came in and went out on the trunk to see the last bits of smoke going up in the air. So while I didn't see anything but there was someone blasting away for several minutes. To my surprise, most of our villas are in darkness

Anyway to ... this morning ... it is Malaysia's 55th Independence Day ... and to whoever is celebrating their retirement year ... those who hit 55 this year ... congratz ... you were born in the year Malaysia became a free country ... free from Colonial rule, that is

It is sad when I go to Facebook or the general news to see, yet again, politicians using this day to slang mud at each other. Opposition supporters even used the flag and claimed that the Malaysian flag is a disgrace and supporting Selangor or some such flag instead. Can you all give it a rest? This day is beyond all of you. This day was when Malaysians united against a common problem and achieved success. Each of you are thinking only of your own pockets and your own fist of glory! UGH! POLITICIANS!

On a more personal side, I am typing this from the office because both of wonderful bosses are away - one to walk walk in China on invitation from potential business partner and the other to visit friends in Australia. Apparently both of these 2 visits are more significant than finalizing a contract that has huge impact on the group and their trips cannot be delayed even a few days to wrap things up. Nice isn't it to be bosses? Sigh! I need a break

I don't want to waste this one entry into a bitching session about my personal life. So I will take a STOP order here


On a personal note, I collected back my blood test today and saw that my uric acid is indeed high at 5.68. Doctor says I should increase dosage of allopurinol and work it down and come back in 2 months to test again. Keeping fingers cross

On a more annoying front, as expected, my so-called other half annoys me with his lust for money. If only he was cuter, handsomer or more successful, eh? Hahahahaaha! I need to dump him, yes?

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