Friday, August 31, 2012

Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka ... 55 ... 55 ... 55

[Edited: 2nd Sep 2012 ... as of today, I am going backwards to attach pics otherwise blog is boring when I am not travelling or there is no foodie stuff, eh? So I will attack pics from Mile High (thanks) of the comics that I reviewed on the same day as the blog and this is it!]
To my surprise, at midnight, I heard fireworks and I went out to watch because it didn't fall silent after the first burst but kept on and on ... stupidly I went out on my balcony forgetting the fact that I am facing the sea! Realizing my stupidity, I came in and went out on the trunk to see the last bits of smoke going up in the air. So while I didn't see anything but there was someone blasting away for several minutes. To my surprise, most of our villas are in darkness

Anyway to ... this morning ... it is Malaysia's 55th Independence Day ... and to whoever is celebrating their retirement year ... those who hit 55 this year ... congratz ... you were born in the year Malaysia became a free country ... free from Colonial rule, that is

It is sad when I go to Facebook or the general news to see, yet again, politicians using this day to slang mud at each other. Opposition supporters even used the flag and claimed that the Malaysian flag is a disgrace and supporting Selangor or some such flag instead. Can you all give it a rest? This day is beyond all of you. This day was when Malaysians united against a common problem and achieved success. Each of you are thinking only of your own pockets and your own fist of glory! UGH! POLITICIANS!

On a more personal side, I am typing this from the office because both of wonderful bosses are away - one to walk walk in China on invitation from potential business partner and the other to visit friends in Australia. Apparently both of these 2 visits are more significant than finalizing a contract that has huge impact on the group and their trips cannot be delayed even a few days to wrap things up. Nice isn't it to be bosses? Sigh! I need a break

I don't want to waste this one entry into a bitching session about my personal life. So I will take a STOP order here


On a personal note, I collected back my blood test today and saw that my uric acid is indeed high at 5.68. Doctor says I should increase dosage of allopurinol and work it down and come back in 2 months to test again. Keeping fingers cross

On a more annoying front, as expected, my so-called other half annoys me with his lust for money. If only he was cuter, handsomer or more successful, eh? Hahahahaaha! I need to dump him, yes?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ladies next door ... and the annoying prig in BKK ...

[Edited @ 02.09.12 ... Iron Man Original Cover ... Variant Cover had some issues from Mile High]

Today is one of those odd days ... where you have a mix of too many light moments and events that by itself taken in isolation would not be worth mentioning but when combined adds to an eventful day. You ever had one of those?

I have to wonder if it is just me ... and my mental attitude that result in my days that are forever chockful of one drama after another ... or is my life really all that! Hehehehehe!

In the morning, I dread having to call Putih ... I didn't quite take a liking to him from the first face-to-face ... nothing personal ... just the vibes you know what I mean? Work is work and deal is deal but his bosses? So much better

So the good thing is his boss the Shell gave me a time to call ... and we did and have a good chat and laugh and I conveyed to him the good news ... and he liked what he heard ... he even gave me a heads up on potential new naming as well ... so it was all good

Then I spent the rest of the day chasing for contracts, glancing through, summarizing and forwarding ... and generally trying not to think of @$$ gee see team in a negative light inspite of their generally great tai-chi ability ... hahaha ... after that I have no choice but to talk to Putih ... gritting my teeth, I survived

That's the worse of the day ... tried to find someone for makan ... but no one available ... I definitely need to get out of here for an overnight trip ... 3 months already more or less in-house

As for the ladies ... well with no one around I walked back to my room and to my surprise while the trunk was generally dark ... there were giggles and my neighbour are 4 young ladies who were out on the deck all night! I had a nice time getting more addicted to Monster World on Facebook (damn you online games!) ... watched some cartoon ... read tons of online Iron Man comics to the point even though I received my next batch of Marvels I didn't read any until bedtime!

Thank goodness for internet eh?

So ends another day in my life

Best part of this day - breakfast with Pak Hadeeeeee. For some weird reason, he seems at ease to eat and talk to me even though he has been with the company for a dozen years and is CEO and someone the rest are stepping gingerly around including Wong See Foo. At least, it appears that way. We talked about family, holidays and what-not and he shared with me his experience working with them and how Gan Master does appreciate people and in the long run, it is worthwhile to be with them. Of course, work can be overload if one is good like he is CEO and head of so many companies and he works into the night but they still give him time to juggle a family. This I have to think about. At least on surface all the team likes me and I am up to their standards in terms of delivery. So let's see what happens next, eh?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blood ...

This morning, after a phone call, I went down to Singam and got my blood test done. I thought calling and making an appointment saves waiting time but apparently not. It still took me until like 10:45am before I got it done. Then the doctor prescribed some medication for gout. I am really hoping I can get better once and for all. I have been sick this entire month and off-and-on since May 2012. Long, ain't it?

So you can imagine my mood when I have to listening to the Burning Man and the Justice Bloke commenting about the problems at the Gee. With the Burning Man, I retained my cool and talked him through but Justice? With his huge paycheck? I must admit I am still awaiting to see how he is handling things. So far, he has been complaining about how messy and all that. But I have yet to see his nurturing aspect. He expects to say and things get done? Dude, if that was so easy, this place would not be in a mess. That's why we brought in new people who have tenacity. They may not be superstars but they are willing to put in the hours to get things done. He needs to guide them. All he keeps on saying is that as they all have title of directors, he expects them to know already! O really? Then I can say the same about him - he expects his people to know so he doesn't check until it is too late.  Well it seems like if his people were to follow his style, then they would also expect their people to know and they don't check. So are they all not following the same style of management? He also got annoyed when they don't read things. Well, he is the same! And he forgot. At least these people have put in the past few months holding things together while he is new and has yet to prove himself. And all he does is complain. I understand he is a family man but he doesn't start early. Everyday around 8:30am he comes out. Sometimes in the afternoon he goes out with family and friends. Sometimes in the evening he goes out with family and friends while everyone else is working

So in the end I blasted him! I told him I am okay if he wants to change the people, if he feels he cannot stand them but my worry is when he moves people out too fast, then the new people have yet to come in and he finds it even more stressful and he walks out. Then we will be left with no GM and no Dept Heads and we will be in even worse shit. So if he wants people to change, he better be committed for the long haul. I mean, 2 times already in 1 month, he threatened to just walk out when the going got tough. I am beginning to doubt his ability, energy and commitment! Ugh!


I need to get healthy fast and then I can do this job myself and get all sorted out before I moved on to the next task! I have had enough of all these expensive prima-donnas!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Have you heard of the WERE-PIGS?

You know with the past few years, movies have been extolling all sorts of olden day monster. We have Vampires that are now trying to project themselves as cool and romantic (Twilight) and typical human nonsense (True Blood) and then there is the rash of Zombie movies with the occassional werewolves and frankenstein

Well, I am here to tell you of a real life thing called the Werepigs. You have seen them everywhere and I mean everywhere except that generally they can disguise themselves as humans. But they are were pigs, I kid you not. How do you tell?

First, their appetites and I mean huge. Food, life, everything good they want, want, want

Second, their laziness. So they try to delegate out all work and responsibilities and blame and merely sit to collect the rewards, accolades and success. And they will deny everything should anything go wrong and find a scapegoat. Sincerity is all fake

Third, selfishness or rather, self-centeredness. Everything is about them and they will tell you how good they are, how unselfish, how they deserve more but no one ever appreciates them. And they will denounce everyone

Generally, physically, they are also large

There - that's a werepig. So go around and look around - family, so called friends and colleagues. Are any of them living amongst you?

I had the pleasure of quite a few in this lifetime. Why even today, I had the delight of handling one. He kept pressuring everyone to meet and finalize a contract. He blamed everyone for not moving on this and saying everyone should focus. He blamed his boss for lately not able to focus. He blamed his subordinates for not being more demanding and pushy to his boss. So what exactly does he do? And during the meeting, for 2 whole hours aside from whacking down lunch and coffee, quiet as a mouse until all over. Most likely, he never even read the damn document. His only contribution? Why the big boss, ultimate lordship wants it signed ASAP. Gee, shouldn't we trash out the terms first? What if we hit a brickwall? O werepigs of this world! And best of all, after the meeting, when we should go back to work, well he has other things to do in the city and left for his errands. How lovely a human being is the werepig!  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So Much ... Too Much ...

I am on the verge of recovering from my various illnesses and keeping fingers crossed (not possible for toes crossed because of gout hahaha) and praying hard, hoping that finally I will have a semblance of health back again when ... everything happened today!

We are supposed to have food tasting by the new chef and new exec sous chef ... it was a toss up from lunch to tasting to dinner ... and everything was so confused and all the Justly Man could do is whine about how everything is so up in the air always ... but didn't I tell him that before he came for many months? If everything is so easy, and everyone is so perfect, why the Pus Man would still be here and we would be having great comments

So anyway we also have the monthly Management Meeting

And to top it off, someone from the Av decided to make a last minute rush visit to property and asking if I can squeeze time for him. So there goes my foot. I was waiting and then we rushed through the property ... then rush for my meeting ... then rush for food tasting and when everything is finally done ... why it is after 9:30pm already ... hahahaha! My foot started swelling up all over again. Sigh!

Please please please please please please please give me good health!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sis n Biggie K's visit ...

After being here 1 year, I finally hosted someone in my villa. Hehehe! Control freak of me maybe? Or perhaps illnesses has made me softer and willing to reveal another side of me? Don't know ... all I know is I suggested it on Friday and sis got K, her best travel buddy to join her ...

Unfortunately they came late ... around 7:00pm ... so all we did  was chill out and have dinner ... thank goodness this time the food tasted better ... but it was exceedingly hot in the restaurant!

After that, we just chill out in the room ... and tomorrow depending on my foot, we may go out exploring for more food. Hahahaha!

Yes, my foot is finally recovering except for the big toe on my left foot. Gout. Can you beat that? One after the other, right? I NEED TO GET WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

88 = Fatty bumping Fatty ... or ... Toh Pui Long Toh Pui

Today is 8th August and for the Chinese old-school, 88 means fatty banging fatty but not banging as in having sex. Hahaha! Not sure why 8 is the same as a fat person though as it is 2 lumps unless they are ... referring to the belly and the butt? Hmmm ... could be.

Today is also my first half-yearly full board review of all our projects, investments and operational results. This is fine because we have a lot of goodies to share and the entire work was done in under an hour for my bosses to present.

And as for everything else, well, there is only the contract to be wrapped up from the first MOU which I will finish later in the afternoon and that should be it.

So all in, a quiet day.

O yes, how can I forget? My other half - did his usual - asking me if I have received salary, he needs money because he wants to drive home for Raya, etc etc etc. You know the usual. I ended up annoyed (again) and asked him to go find someone else as he is destroying my life by disturbing me all the time regardless of priorities. I am annoyed but I no longer let it bother me so much anymore. I am becoming numb to him. Its almost time to end this relationship. If I am completely honest with myself, I am a coward. I do not want to be the "bad guy". I do not want to dump him and rather let him dump me. O please please please dump me soon? Hahahahahaha!

Last note, I am posting this during lunch time to jazz up the timing and my final say is that: I actually wanted this to be like my real life journal to be shared with everyone. However, if I were to post everything directly, hey, one can get sued, right? Hence the anonymity of myself and fake names for the people I encounter but otherwise, it's all as real as it gets ... and everything is of course coloured from my perspective

Otherwise, I would have to type one here and one more for my own private collection and that would take too much time

Cheers and Happy 88

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ugly is Not Always About your physical Appearance

Second time now I have seen the DareMan being ugly and we are not talking about his choice of colour for his hair (dude you are in your 30s and not even balding so why reddish brown?) or his weight (100kg and this is after losing tremendous) or his command of the English language (bootal facts ... bootal truth) but how you treat your Mrs

First time was when she spoke very rough to her in front of the Master W and I when we had a meeting in GPT Lounge ... it got so bad until Master had to calm him down ... and he said work is work ... yeah, right! Wake up, you clod! You are just lucky your Mrs loves you so much!

So today's incident? It's about the contractor who is a family friend. I mean, come on. You are the Veep. You couldn't control the situation until we had no choice to let them in. And all you do is say that you have warned everyone about them and you just want them out. Wow! You couldn't stop them coming in, you couldn't monitor them when they are here and you don't have any way to get them out except to pass the buck to others and say get it done. If the facts are not enough and the chairman does an about turn, what will you do? Wash your hands again? That's all you are good at saying but are you the type who can actually do that? Or just talk to Master and I and your  Mrs? I have yet to see him go force full against the Chair.

After an hour, I had to step up and said it's time for lunch and got up to go. Ugh! She joined me and we chatted about anything except that. Then for dinner, I suggested the buka puasa and she persuaded him to come. And he really piled into it as expected. 2 rounds of meats - yo! Then keropok then desserts! Hahahahaha! When he got up for his second round, she mentioned a few sentences about the afternoon event. I had to play it nice like it's okay, we understand and all that shit. Know what I mean? Sigh!

Some people have no idea how lucky they are. Really. He hired me to do the job of coming up with answers, being the bad guy, doing the detail work. When it comes time to decision making, he pushes it up to the Master to sign off on everything. All he ever says are the magic words that he brought back from his seminar chat sessions like "holding the context tight (WTF), brutal facts, brutal truth" - come on, dude!

Geez ... aside from that, nothing astounding happened except Ass Be Eye being Ass Ass Ass hahaha!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Second Round @ The Doctors

Today was a much better day as the inflammation has gone down somewhat and even though I deliberately took less painkillers (1 a day instead of 3x a day), there is still not much pain. So at least I have confidence that it is healing and all the ice and wrap treatment makes sense

But as I arrived at the center, guess who I got as my therapist? The cutie. The tall chap. The slim chap and this time I got his full name (TYS). He started chatting with me as he put his hands on my foot and after a while, I managed to even give him my name card and invited him and his friends or colleagues over should they wish to - hehehehehe - and he shook my hands!

Odd thing about him is his right hand does that victory pump! Hmmm. But today he had on black trousers and you can see by the crease it is not properly ironed (2 instead of 1 lines) but as he sat near my foot, I had a nice time eyeing the curves on his crotch letting my imagination run wild and each time he got up, a nice view of his small tight butt. Hahahaha!

Okay. That is enough to gross everyone out, right?

Next section on cuties is when I went to the Japanese Restaurant at Gardens, Hokkaido Ichiban. It was really WOW! Okay - forget about the screecy sounding lady boy poofter seated behind us with a lady friend. He was so over-exaggerating his feminie side that he should have three pussies rather than one dick, I kid you not.

So who is cute? Two of the waiters. Really cute. So thin that from the side profile, even with the apron, trousers, belt, shirt tucked in; they are still thinner than their head but they are not so boney until they look skeletal. Know what I mean? One guy has glasses and one guy doesn't. The one with glasses sometimes walked like he is floating and can potentially be "gay" although I don't think he is while the other is more typical lad. Sigh!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Doctor Day ...

I woke up and to my surprise ... my ankle is swelling up again and this time moving from left side of left ankle to right side of left ankle ... WTF?!?!?! So I sms the DareMan and told him I cannot make it for the meeting and tried calling to make appointment with his recommended medical place, KLSC

You know what? He replied that he could send me there after the meeting. Hellooooo! I am in pain. I called back and the center said 1 doctor is fully booked, another doctor is available half day only. So I told the DareMan that my foot takes priority ... and a good thing too ...

When I got there, there were 2 cuties. Okay skip that ... or rather, save that for later. After X-Ray and checking and what-not, they concluded that there is a high chance this swelling is due to past issues with gout i.e. when I had swelling, I never gave my body time to rest (ooops they got me there) ... and that when it was inflammed and you continued to push, you are stretching your skin, nerves, cartilage etc to the limit and if not careful, it can result in permanent damage and that's why this time, the inflammation is severe!


So this time they want me to take total rest and cut down on movement. No walking around unless necessary. They gave me a jab, then did some ultrasound thingie, then cold compression treatment and some blue tape typing job and in 2 hours, the swelling subsided considerably. They taught me how to do this for the weekend and said to come back on Monday for follow up treatment and see how it goes.

Thank goodness for Eye Sag who is so patient with me taking me down there and waiting for everything. So much for my useless other half whose only contribution is sms me that he now has tooth ache and before we reach home, he needs a new Zara shorts. Isn't that guy simply too much? Should I dump him? Hah!

Okay. Now for the cuties. The first chap that caught my attention was busy chatting away with a Japanese patient telling the guy about his sisters or aunties and how they are married to Japanese men. I have no idea why a patient would be interested, right? Hey! He is a Japanese struggling with English and working in Malaysia. Unless of course the cutie is trying to pick up the Jap man? Hahaha! He is young, hair slapped close to forehead, slim and average height or considered shorter. I found out from my therapist he is new to them and just graduated. If he is gay, I would like to give him a stroke? Hehehe!


 Then comes Tan Yee Siong (yup I saw his name tag when I was paying my bill) ... I first saw him as he was going out for lunch while I was waiting at the reception and he smiled ... then later he walked up and down several times while I was getting treatment and I could see his super slim body ... face is a bit weird and off ... not ugly not good looking either but definitely qualified as geeky ... and guess what? I found him on FB. Hahaha! I need to wait until I am done with treatment for a few weeks before trying to contact him. He should be at least in his late 20s? Hmmmmmmmm!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bye Bye Day ...

My leg is still painful but only 1 good thing to report ... I can finally see my ankle bone ... so it means the swelling is subsiding ... however, I won't get much rest today as I have to pack up to move and then unpack at 818 ... new room that supposedly feng shui suits my birthdate ... and primarily for health ... well, with all my health problems of late in 310, this should be my priority. Hey without health, what else matters, right?

As for Bye Bye, to my utter shock, it turns out that Jaz resigned (going to Marriott Put Put) and so did lady boy SS. But the latter is expected since he is a Beno loyalist. Jaz is a surprise. But then again, they supposedly promoted him to ADOS. How is he worth that much anyway???

As for the more important Bye Bye Bye, it is the Glow Gal. She is leaving tomorrow early morning. So we had the official luncheon today for her and then just now, it was just a dinner amongst friends. I get Ram's Money to buy KFC n both El and Glow came over and the four of us just stuffed ourselves silly with the food, laughter for nearly 2 hours. So that was fun ... and sad ... she has been good to us all!

All the best to you Glow Gal!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Darn the Doctor's Assistant ...


You know what happened early this morning? Damn! I should have gotten more exacting instructions from the doctor before I left. You see, inspite of a double dose of painkillers, I was still in pain and it was non-stop gout type of pain and it was just ridiculous. So after 1:00am, I decided to just get up and take a risk and snip off the bandage that the doctor's assistant had bound my foot up. I mean, hey, it is a twisted ankle. You should have put something to cool it and not made it worse, right???


And within 45 mins after I unwound, I finally could fall asleep

I decided to spend today in the room and just ordered room service only. I didn't do much except reply emails and do as little as possible. And after a while, I found that the leg is only painful when I moved and put pressure on it. The dark swelling actually diminished and I slept twice during the day. Guess my entire body needed the break!