Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Second House Guest @ Bagan Lalang???

I put in question mark because as of this moment of typing, I have no idea if he will show up. It is now 9:33pm. He told me yesterday he will overnight tonight so I said fine. Then this evening he said they have to do some set up after the day's work is done. So I dare not ask if it will be late and what time because I want him to feel at home and I don't want to be too pushy until I push him away because ... because I really, really want him here in my home so I can clean after him, cook for him, and admire him. So who is this individual? Why none other than the Case Man

Yup, the entire day is spent in agony waiting for his arrival

I have some other stuff to share but nothing monumental except I finally got my electric cooker - had to drive all the way to Tropicana Mall @ Damansara and cooked my first dish tonight! French beans in XO mushroom sauce. Hehehe!

So now I am going to play some games and wait until he arrives or call him around 11:00pm if he doesn't

Wish me luck, yes?

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