Monday, April 8, 2013

My first meeting with our Damansara investors

I cannot believe this. We set a meeting at 10:00am. I had breakfast with Unca J and he offered to drive me there. I was a wee bit tensed because I was wondering if I go with him how I would get back, right? And true enough, we had to follow until we got lost. So I quickly texted my biz partners that I might be about 15 min late and guess what? Real Malaysian. They were even later than me!

When I got there, I saw a chap outside and figured he might be the majority partner - Chinese, carrying nothing but handphone but rather than take the plunge, I got up and requested for usage of the meeting room

And now comes the WHAT A CHUMP MOMENT x 2 moments!

First up is halfway through our meeting with the Project team, both me and the G guy were making side comments on how weak the PM was as the G was meeting the PM for the first time and to our surprise, our S partner who has been helping the owner for the better part of the past year and the owners thought they were completely satisfied with the PM. DUDE! The guy came with a Hugh Grant accent and literally was waffling. Everything he was briefing only with no clear cut solution and indecisive and not even strong to bang contractors and consultants. I mean, imagine telling everyone that the safety sprinkler is okay for levels 1 to 8 but from 9 onwards it ends at doors of rooms?!?!?! If it should be in the room, then tell the contractors, right? That is merely one of many examples

Chump 2 ... towards the end after the contractors etc have departed and we were summing things up, the majority partner, the Chinese chap actually said that I am so good that they wished that they had known me a while back at the start of the project! That serves my S partner right as he is even now trying to cut my charges to SGD1.5k. I mean, SGD1.5k?!?!?! Hello ... go find yourself an accounts officer, okay???


The highlight is we went to WIP and the G paid for beer and snacks. The downlight is that there are no cuties for me to watch. I looked all round but no one attracted my eye. Sigh!

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