Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Illness of 2013

There is a first for everything ...  and this is mine for illness ... on 22nd, I woke up with a headache ... this then progressed to slight itchiness of the throat ... and this morning?

I have the flu ... I didn't sleep well last night ... and of all days to happen ... today when I am off ... and tomorrow I am going to Singapore! Sigh! So let's do the listing, shall we?

1. Block and/ or runny nose
2. Sore throat
3. Bit of phlegm
4. Headache on top
5. Pain on left ear
6. Pain on right nostril
7. Fever

Yup, that covers everything! So I bought antibiotics, sore throat medication and panadol! I had 1000mg of vitamin C and drinking lots of water. I basically didn't do much work since I am on annual leave but still spent half a day in the office rushing to check in my airline tickets and then just now?

Bomb 1 - received a message from SG that tomorrow's appointment has been cancelled but if I want to, can meet him to discuss details of the assignment. Well, since I have booked flights and what-not, I figured better than to book a new flight, cab, etc

Bomb 2 - received email from CH that his idea to go into business is he wants to take the franchise he likes, and we have to find investors?!?!?! I thought he is the investor. He owns companies for goodness' sakes. So I will listen to what he has to say in  Feb and leave it at that. Looks like I have to be very careful here otherwise I might get eaten up and left with nothing


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