Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Cheek of Some People

You know how I have been moaning about the problems I have had with work especially with this wonderful management company Stupid Bullshitting Idiots? Well, guess what? They really think we Asians are either very pathetic or stupid or forgetful. How can you, at head office, be bluntly rude to me every chance you get, savage me via emails and then now that it seems as if the Lord of the Company has opened his mouth personally, you switch and try to patch up and asking me to support you? Less than a fortnight ago, you are accusing me of playing games, with ulterior motives, etc

Now my boss says if you don't buckle up, you better watch it. And you do this to me? Geez!

Of course it is a good thing in this matter my heart is in the right place. Even though you trash me, I am still working to get things going in the right direction and have never paid much heed to you. Otherwise ... now I would take the opportunity to totally savage you, man! UGH! SOME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add that to the fact that I have yet to recover inspite of the tons of meds I have been taking and I know it is time to go visit the doctor. Eye Sag was kind enough to go with me to Klinik Sink-Gum. Hehehe! Doctor is fine and he gave me like 6 types of meds. I sure hope my gout will not react. Sigh!

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