What a long and stressful day today was! I spent the first 4 hours happily enough doing the format of the budget followed by a really nice lunch at the canteen. So much for my diet again! I really have no discipline. Year in and year out, I bitched and supposedly diet but nothing works and I just get fatter and FATTER! I have a serious case of a weakness for food - almost all foods! I really need to just clamp down hard and be disciplined ... sigh ...
(View from the road of the resort and beyond - Seychelles is awesome!)
Anyway, the moment I reached the office, the swamp of work was unbelievable with phone calls, people dropping by and the annoyance of Ms Celine (not Dion!). Yes, I thought she was this pleasant elderly, large lady during the interview process and the slightly dumpy look I put it to cultural differences. But last Sunday before she started work should have been a warning already when I had to call her and let her know to start work on Wednesday. Why? Because she called me three times on the same day just to confirm with the last call coming at night!
True enough, that was how she really worked! She seemed to be oh-so-slow in her work and uncoordinated. On top of that, she is annoying always waltzing into my office even when the door is closed without knocking. If this continues ..........
(Ongoing building of the bridge to resort)
Then my new assistant who joined is really taking his full 1 hr and even an additional 30 min lunch break! I guess this is the bad habit of spending 20 years in China ... and now becoming like them! Worse case, he went home each day pretty much on time and doesn't come out after that except for meal breaks. That is so odd!
Then my new assistant who joined is really taking his full 1 hr and even an additional 30 min lunch break! I guess this is the bad habit of spending 20 years in China ... and now becoming like them! Worse case, he went home each day pretty much on time and doesn't come out after that except for meal breaks. That is so odd!
But hey, everyone is new yet. So let's see what happens in the days ahead. I will be energetic and try to see if I can get the whole team moving in the right direction - hopefully
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