Monday, November 2, 2009


Dear Diary,

Today is Sunday and what started as a beautiful day ended up in a pissing off type of day. Why? We had the psycho session today. That's what I called it. Psycho. Unfortunately the husband wanted to "do" me. It was generally fine until we got to a few personal issues which I felt he was way out of line

First up, he commented that I was young for my age. And he immediately attributed this to the fact that I am Asian. He is Indian but of Mauritian nationality. Is he not "Asian"? I told him if he really knew Asians, we have distinct racial descents. Indians, Malays and Chinese are vastly different. So how can he claim I am Asian? What does that even mean?

After a few minutes, he asked about my values. I requested him to clarify and he again said that because I am Asian he knows we are tight about family. I explained to him that in my case, I come from a family of travellers and migrants and so we are tight but not in that manner

Then he got slightly cheesed off when he tried to press me to say that there is a dichotomy in the way I said I try to be positive but I do have a short temper. I told him that it all depends on the scenario. If someone says they are perfect or whatever, it is just saying the right thing, not the truth. Everyone has their anger issues ... and the things that torqued them off, right?

I tested him towards the end by telling him I won't be there for his full blown team building session. He took the bait and immediately tried to muscle in on me to show his strength. When I couldn't be cowed, he asked who I have spoken to. Then he said he would discuss with Jean-Marc and like a really spoilt child, he used his clout to get his way. Of course I could have also threatened him back but I decided not to because now the ball is in my court and I can use it when there are delays etc subsequently to say that they placed their priorities wrong during this critical pre-opening phase!

But I did tell JMM off when he tried to force me to attend. I told him that if someone is not a team player right off the bat, 2 days of this session, will not change them unless they are like an empty bottle rattling until the first wave filled them up. If any of us are such a bottle, we shouldn't have been hired in the first place because pre-opening is not the place for such a person and it reflected badly on the person who hired. On top of that, we are all experienced expatriates. So we know what it is like to buckle down and keep work to work and not take anything personally!

So for me if I were to attend, the next 2 days will be a paid vacation

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