Dear Diary,
I am typing this in Belle Mare Plage, our flagship hotel in Mauritius. It's such a beautiful room, unique in its design. I was definitely wowed when I stepped down from the car. If there is one thing I want my parents to enjoy, it is this - the wow factor of really nice hotels instead of just those where we go to sleep and head out the whole day. I want them to experience true luxury just once!

Anyway the day started optimistically until I reached office. Koshi sent me an email that said he was not joining - another Senarath! Apparently, after sooooo many months of silence, BT recalled him for RAK! And he supposedly got a whopping salary increase from them! So we are back to panic button
Other than that, nothing much happened except I went to the airport, waited and flew off to beautiful Mauritius
All along the journey, there was not a single cutie anywhere in sight - adult, that is
When we touched down in Mauritius, the ride was bad. The car we had was dirty and run-down. The driver was less than pleasant. Aside from the initial greeting like a word and that was it the whole way until we arrived at the hotel. He must be in a real bad mood. So that pretty much spoilt the journey. Oh yes! I was travelling with our Security Manager, the lady.
Thank goodness we were greeted with such a great WHAM view of the hotel and the people when we arrived. Now that was more or less great all the way through
Then came the "somewhat" cutie JCJ the guy who first interviewed me for this position and whom I had such a lovely chat with. He is definitely good-looking. If he is a PLU and wanted one with me ... well I don't know if I am able to resist him. That body, the smile, the hair, the voice and I already know the personality. He is quite frankly adorable.

After the pleasantries were done, we were given the rest of the evening and day off. Dinner was in the buffet restaurant. Not a single dish was nice. And the macchiato that I ordered was ridiculously bad. It comes in a tall thin glass with 2 straws. I mean, this is a hot drink, mind you! Freaky!
And of all the bad luck, my gout is giving me a nightmare of all days! It hit me just now!
Going to rest, good nite!