Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Labour Day ... but not in Jakarta???

Well today is a public holiday in Malaysia and a few other countries in the world. I was on the way to Jakarta for meeting tomorrow when I started getting cautionary sms from mates in Indonesia to be careful of potential demonstration in downtown Jakarta. To my surprise, they do not celebrate workers day or labour day ... well!

However, what was nice at the airport (near deserted at LCCT and I meant that everywhere the queue is less than 10 minutes!) was a nice feeling

Unfortunately this disappeared when I arrived in Jakarta. The driver I had from the office is a stubborn man - a typical male specimen who refuses to call for instructions. Imagine I told him where I am headed (Batavia Apartments) and he said office told him a hotel. I asked if they booked for me and he called to confirm. They said I booked myself. So there!

As we drove, he couldn't find the place. The demonstrators were on the way home causing massive traffic congestion. To make matters worse, it started pouring. And he called friends in the office and outside but refused to call the hotel. I just could not believe it! I gave him the form with phone numbers but he refused until we went round several times for nearly an hour ......

By the time we reached, it was nearly 3 hours from landing time! Can you believe this shit? Longer than my flight time

Now to make matters worse, the hotel doesn't have wifi and Cory who is supposed to join me kept on postponing from meals to coming late ... and he didn't even show up until 11:00pm saying he is waiting to be paid! Hmmm ... well I am going to bed!

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