Saturday, March 9, 2013

Will Miss You Jakarta ... Welcome Frenchman!

Honestly, I am going to tell you all the events that happened this day. Some are boring, some are not but it will give you a feel of what life is like for me and mine and as this is my blog, if you find it the slightest bit boring, like any book, you can skip a paragraph or two, or even a page or two, or scary bits here, chuck the book!

I was outside on the verandah of An-Choll Man-Shion ... waiting for Corn until way past 12 midnight ... just chilling out and enjoying the view and imagining how nice it would be to call it home ... I really loved the place! Then we had a bit of a drama. He said he was there. I went down to LG but couldn't see him. I took the lift back up to 5, crossed the floor, another lift to lobby. He was not there. The security even came to see me! I said I was waiting for a mate! And then he messaged me again. So I took the lift back up to 5, crossed the floor and back down to LG. I still couldn't see him but decided to go walk the car park and found him there. Hah!

After all that drama, we went to the apartment and continued to chill out at the verandah chatting away. Then he said he was a wee bit hungry and I asked ... what are we waiting for? He asked where the noodles are. I looked confused and said didn't I texted him to buy? And he said he thought I was buying it on the way home. So what did we eat in the end? Oats! Hahahaha! At least it is healthy. Oats with water for a drink. Double healthiness!

Sleep was only like an hour as he had to leave by 3:30am to go to the train station to pick up his mom, uncle, sister and sister's friend. I am not going into details here on why the F they are in Jakarta. After that, my usual paranoia set in. So I hardly slept anymore until nearly 6:00am

I went to the airport feeling out of sorts and it wasn't helped much because the airport check in people are not hotties. So nothing to ogle at to relieve the boredom. I wanted Stabucks but to my utter horror, at that time, the only shop with a queue was Starbucks. So I finally had my bakmi at the shop next to Star and what can I say except TO AVOID THE SHOP! Overboiled noodles until they become bloated, steamed chicken that was cold and dry and Twinnings tea sachet? Ugh!

Flight was okay except that it was full. Even for the red hot seats. So that was a nasty 2 hours

What about the stewards, you may ask? Umm they were in that new jeans uniform. And you know what my opinions are about jeans - a no no

When we touched down, again no cuties in sight. ARGH!

I had a somewhat fit full sleep in for the entire afternoon from about 3:00pm to 7:00pm. But thank goodness I woke up then. It was really good because I saw the message from Niece-Zal. And quickly changed and rushed to Sir-Latt Bar to meet his sis and her hubby. The dude is on the board of the French chamber of commerce and knows lots of expats working and living and doing biz in Malaysia. Imagine he was formerly a finance guy from club med but now doing so well and living in Tmn Tun. And we talked a wee bit about biz and what-not and he is keen to do a Rihiveli here in Malaysia!

Yes, yes, yes! That is good news for me. So if I combine Kruger-B's Anan with his and Desmond's expat community, we are talking potentially good news here for everyone!

Anyway the Frenchman came to see the new GM but to his utter surprise, he was accorded only 5 min of face time! In the lobby! Not even bothered to sit down for a coffee as he was going out with his family. So much for dedication, Mr TF - all talk only, eh?

Good for me, good for me!

And finally, after drinks, we went to Pearl-Rah-Hoo for fish dinner. He ordered from fish sashimi to fish grilled. It was a very healthy sort of dinner. As it was too healthy for me, I decided to msg uncle Case and Uncle Eye and we had Satay late at night along with sago dessert and fruit platter ... and they are still here in my room ... as I am tryping this without their knowledge. Hehehe!

Good night world!

I would have loved to type even more but will it bore you readers out there? Hmmm something to think about. Private message me yes? Whenever you read this even if one year down the line!

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