Wednesday, December 26, 2012

If only AL can be AL ...

It's that time of year again where if you worked for a year or more, you have earned your valuable Annual Leave. Sadly, in many companies, this is also the time when they "forced" you to clear all cumulative off-in-lieu and annual leaves regardless of whether you want to or not i.e. they do not allow you to take as and when you please. Now, if we are healthy and do not mind, why do they not just PAY US? Right? Damn but I could use the extra cash ... hahaha!

So in my case, I have 6 off-days in lieu (Sundays and public holidays) and I am clearing them ... then I have like 9 days of annual leave that cannot be carried forward anymore ... that makes a total whopping of 15 days (yes this has been a bitching kind of year in terms of work) ... and that's like 2.5 weeks off ... unfortunately there is also too much to do thanks to the year-end that I have to wrap up on behalf of all my bosses and kickstart groundwork for 2013 ... so they permit me to carry a wee bit forward ...

So this Christmas ... I took 24th and 26th off, right?

Well if you read my 24th blog, you will know I was in 2 appointments for a development deal. What about 26th? Hmmm ... I had 2 meetings as well. One is noon with my director on 2013 strategies and the next is potential investors from PLC on a new deal. This is not counting follow up on a few "friends" booking and I had to check with reservation and also front office ... o wait ... and let's not forget we had a VIP arrival and I was on standby to greet the chap and his family!

So yes, that's what we call clearing off-days. Now I generally do not mind this type of work as opposed to thinking about the pain of handling people problems (heh!). My main gripe is WHY NOT YOU JUST PAY ME?

I need the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Materialistic, huh? Hehehehehe!

(The first cover is by  David Aja and the second is by the series main artist, Cary Nord (ugh!) - see sidebar for review and my personal opinions)

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