Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Illness again? You gotta be kidding me

I just cannot believe my unbelievable streak of bad luck. Just when I thought I can finally start exercising this week, guess what? Last night, while in the restaurant for dinner, as I squeezed in-between the narrow tables etc, I felt that I turned my leg wrongly at the left ankle. However as there was no sudden twinge of pain, I just ignored it

Then I went back to my room, got packing and moved one round of luggage to new room 818 and as I walked back ... I started feeling a little pain ... when I hit original room, I decided to call it a night ... except that the pain wouldn't let me! I woke up around 3"00am or 4:00am ... and tried to put some salve on it but for some reason it wouldn't heat up until I had to use Tiger Balm. And then I had no choice to pop a pill and lie down to rest

Now I can see a small spot of bruise and all day it didn't get better

So I had to go to the doctors just now and guess what? He wrapped up my foot! Unbelievable, right?

Of course, with my other half, his only assumption is black magic (again). Unfortunately with this I told him best we let the air ticket burnt as we are to meet tomorrow night. Like this, I cannot do so

Now I am in the room, eaten and watching Empire Strikes Back and feeling down. SIGH!

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