Sunday, February 13, 2011

Phuket-ting Day 1 part 1

So excited until I could hardly sleep - less than 3 hours of tossing and turning before I am up, rushing to the bank for last minute banking (thank goodness for ATM) and then into a cab to the airport! And the craziest part is ... this is not my first time to Phuket! Tells you how wonderful life at work is, eh?

The journey was via Air Asia. No delays, no dramas.
The first drama came when we reach Phuket and was completely stunned at the queues in front of all the immigration counters. Every counter was open and it was just full! The entire queue was like 45 mins before we could get out! My booked cabbie even BBM me via a mate of mine who is working in Phuket and I told them YES WE LANDED BUT THE QUEUE?!?!?!??!

Thank goodness the monotony was broken up somewhat by this gentleman who was seated on the ground initially talking and singing before finally collapsing and sleeping ... it took the authorities more than 20 minutes before they noticed ... some Middle Eastern blokes tried to snapshot when the guy was half-lifted up and the uniforms just snapped NO PHOTOS

After clearing immigration, we picked up our bags that was naturally waiting for us. Near the exit, a cellphone rep was giving out free sim cards and telling us to go top up at 7 11. Second drama unfolded. As we walked to the exit, my other half realized that while talking to Mr Sim Card, the gigantic bag was left at the counter. So we had to rush back in and thank goodness it was still there!

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