Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New friendships ...

[This is the second photo from our time dining at Mahek]
Tonight, I went to the airport with Kristen to pick up Didier Gerval. Then it was on to Bravo at Eden Island for a scrumptious dinner. And this time, we ordered something different. I had spaghetti carbonara (rich but not good quality bacon and cheese though) while Kristen had the ribs and it was a different style of ribs with a different menu. Overall, it was still good!
Then we dropped Didier off and waited for Dustin's arrival.
So if there is one thing I will remember when I leave this place, it will be the friendships I have been fortunate to make. Tonight it will be Didier. He is such a nice, polite fellow. I have no idea why my boss seemed to have issues with him
And Dustin is Mr. Recreation and always up for a good time. Now if only he could be more in-line with his people ... hah ... but hey, if you ever need someone to get something done, he is your man
On separate issues, I heard from Berjaya Head Hunter. She said the client had a smaller budget which is odd cos the ad says up to RM25k but I only asked for much less than the max. Then I talked to my mate, Az and he said I can always offer to negotiate with other perks thrown in. I dropped a note to Ken and he called me up tonight while I was at Bravo. He told me what the boss is supposedly receiving - which is a bit shocking ... as in shockingly low! If it is true ... hmm ... anyway we are going to meet up at my place for dinner tomorrow night ... so it's all good ... friendships new and all
But I am still keeping fingers crossed and hoping to move on

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