Sunday, March 1, 1998

First "Gay" Date???

"The thief of time appears in many different guises. A different guise for each generation. For it is often in the name of progress that the seeds of destruction are sown waiting and lying in hibernation for its shining moment"

[I have no idea what the above means except that it is me trying to sound intellectual? Hahaha! Of course I know what it means ... this is a reproduction done on 12.02.2013 from old handwritten diary]


Tomorrow's the BIG DAY!!! For Celt and me, that is. Celt as in Kelvin Kunyah Dagu Angin, my former colleague in FA/ GL section now stationed under Logistics' wing. Why is it so special? Because this is the first time that the two of us are going on a social outing together without the rest of the gang. And special because it'll show whether we can be friends instead of just colleagues. In a way, it's kinda depressing, huh? In our life, we will meet so many new faces. Yet with the passage of time, most will fade to distant memories. I know I myself am guilty of this ... joining this club. I did try to be different. But it was a fruitless struggle. Where are my friends from school/ college/ uni now? Nothing more than memories. I guess I am thankful for at least having so many happy memories from those days long gone by. But it is not enough!! I was the one who said I'll be different. I'll keep in touch. Oh, heck! I'm a total disappointment even to my ownself!

Well, this is now 1998. So hopefully, I'll do better

Rebels forever?!?! Hehehe!

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