[Taking a break from the EXTREME let's go to Young Avengers - excellent Cheung art work with Heinberg story - collected all 12 when it first came out]
What an absolute load of bullshit! We had last minute issued cards for nominating best employee for front and back of house. We are to nominate someone from another department. But guess what? It's a popularity game. After all, how are we to know every other staff - o about 500 of them and what they do everyday right?
Natch, my HRD said they checked each nominee etc and I don't get it because my 2 staff were nominated and while nice people, not even near a star performer and have not done 1 significant thing that is out of the ordinary ... and I asked HRD to ensure all nominees are not having problems especially disciplinary .... they assured me it was done ... to my surprise after my enquiry, they said they made a mistake in the points computation! Well, I cannot trust them, can I?
Natch, my HRD said they checked each nominee etc and I don't get it because my 2 staff were nominated and while nice people, not even near a star performer and have not done 1 significant thing that is out of the ordinary ... and I asked HRD to ensure all nominees are not having problems especially disciplinary .... they assured me it was done ... to my surprise after my enquiry, they said they made a mistake in the points computation! Well, I cannot trust them, can I?
I sent to the Pus and guess what? Yup, he did nothing
We had the ceremony ... and of course with time off from work and free food, people turned up ... but there were enough grumbling to let us know the mood of the people ...
And when we awarded for fire, even more grumbling as apparently there was a fire in Jul but we totally forgot about that! And to give the award to people like Pooch and Martz when they just arrived and were on duty ... well ... and all they got was a cert ... at the stage when we were presenting these ... Pus man said he felt cheap and whispered what he should do ... give me a break, man! What's wrong with you?
That unfortunately is not the only highlight. At night, I was with IT for dinner and to my utter surprise he came by with Ahmad for a private chat. What was the chat? He spoke in French about the new restaurant and plans for the future hoping we would not understand but Ahmad told us afterwards that he asked Ahmad to commit at least another 10 months without looking for a job! Simply because of the new restaurant. I asked Ahmad but is he committed or not? Will he leave Ahmad hanging?
What a ... what a? What a DICK!