Sunday, April 25, 2010

29 Nights and Counting ...

So many things happened since my last posting ... and I am so stuffed with goodness tonight from a bout of overeating ... so much for my diet and losing weight eh? That seems to be my biggest problem over the years. Hey! For the next 29 days and nights, I am going to make a resolution to cut down on my food and sweets and EXERCISE ... 1 kilo a week ... yup ... that's my target yes?

So what's 29 nights? In case, I don't some day go backwards and post retrospectively ... it's the number of nights I will remain in Seychelles before my flight home ... I have resigned ... yup yet again ... but this time I am going to go all out and stick to whatever next posting I will do ... high time I make a commitment to give my all ... humanly possible that is. That's also my next resolution. Me - resolution! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Other than that, today was a great day

I went out on a rented boat of Gerard's sister. As crew were his brother in law, Joachim and nephew, Livio. Aside from me, there was Insan and Ahmad. We had a nice time inspite of the intermitten rain but had to cut short after 4 hours when the rain came back with a vengeance

After that we drove to Beau Vallon and I finally after 5 years tried Baobab Pizza. We shared a fish n chips, lasagne and smoked fish pizza. Everything was delicious and the whole bill came to about SR370. So it was decent pricing for Seychelles

Cheers and Good Night

Friday, April 2, 2010

I am not procrastinating

I have every intention to post an entry yesterday but would you believe that the internet service in my home got cut? Then at work today we found out that the internet access they provide us is not unlimited but limited. To compound matters, there is no place we can go to buy top up cards. How nice, right?

So I was in office and wanted to post an entry but as is the norm these days, I was way overloaded.

Where am I doing this entry then? Why my black berry, of course. Hehehe. Yes I have joined the club as of this past monday. 9ompany insisted we have one each. Sigh! Lots to share with you all but I will save it for tomorrow. Typing on blackberry is making me dizzy ... Like car or motion sickness! Weird, huh?

Nite nite